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Frequently Asked Questions


HMO networks are typically smaller and require referrals to see specialists, or to get specialty treatment such as an MRI or Surgery. A referral is when a Primary Care doctor has basically signed off on the fact that you need this extra service. Without the referral, the insurance plan won't cover the specialist visit or treatment. They are a pain in the butt. 


PPO networks are typically larger and do not require referrals. This is what you want in an ideal world. The PPO networks I work with have providers in all 50 states. 

Do I qualify for Obamacare?

Obamacare; Also known as the Marketplace; Also known as ACA (affordable care act) is available for anyone regardless of your income.


If you are lower income, then you may qualify for a Subsidy. Which is when the IRS will help you pay for your health insurance through the marketplace. Think of it as Government Assistance, but even if you are high income you can sign up for an obamacare plan; you'll just be paying full price. 


The income thresholds vary greatly depending on your income, age, and zip code. 

Can I get a lower rate if I'm in good health?

Yes! There are plans available that will look at your health history, and if you are "low risk" you can qualify for a cheaper monthly premium. 


I specialize in working with "low risk" individuals and getting them more affordable health insurance. 

Can I get a group plan?

If you own a business, the the answer is probably YES!

I specialize in working with small businesses helping them get coverage for their employees. 


If you are a 1099 contractor and have no employees, the the answer is probably NO. You will need an individual plan. 


Either way, Group Health Insurance is the most expensive way to purchase health insurance.  

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